Monday, September 15, 2008

Steam Trains

I say, let's bring back steam trains. Would anybody REALLY be opposed to this?

Either that, or let's step it up and have all trains be monorails. One or the other people!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Overheard During Carpool

Her: And so the guy from the 99 cent store was on the radio, and he was talking about how he had to raise his prices due to inflammation.
Him: Did you just say inflammation? Do you mean inflation?
Her: Sure.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Smash Mouth

I used to think the lyrics for "All-Star" were:

" All that's living is gold. Only shooting stars rain from mold."

Man I'm dumb.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Jake and Amir

Headache from Amir on Vimeo.

Glue Sticks

Please somebody, today, at your job, at home, ANYWHERE...

PLEASE say out loud "Where is my glue stick!?".

That is all.

Monday, September 1, 2008

The New Gabe Dixon Album

Baby Doll - The Gabe Dixon Band

Five More Hours - The Gabe Dixon Band

All Will Be Well - The Gabe Dixon Band

Overheard After The Nike+ Run

Girl: "So I crossed the finish line and it just came out."
Guy: "Wait what?"
Girl: "I crossed the finish line and pissed. It just all came out. Like a flowing river."
Guy: Silence